A monthly playlist curated to give your mood a lift. As we launch, it’s fitting that this first instalment comes from our Founder, Gillian. It’s been nearly five years since the Peachaus seed was first planted in Gillian’s mind, an exciting and intensely creative time that was not without its challenges. In this bumper edition, Gillian shares with us 30 songs that were in some way or another important to her during this pivotal period.

“I love music,” she says. “I’ve always loved music and how music makes you feel.” Among her selections you’ll find moments of triumph and of introspection, hits from the heights of the pop charts and obscurities from the depths of Gillian’s record collection. In typically eclectic style, she's chosen from an array of genres, including R&B, techno, rock, dubstep and neo-classical, featuring everyone from Drake to Ólafur Arnolds. ‘ORACLE’ by London trip-hoppers HÆLOS is among her favourites. “It feels like I’m connected to the universe when I listen to that,” she says.
In their lyrics, their rhythm and their feeling, these songs have inspired Gillian and helped her through the challenges of the past five years. She shares them with us so that others can benefit from the same musical power. “Maybe listening to some of those lyrics could inspire other people, too” says Gillian.
Peachaus Radio - March Playlist - click here