Dear Peachaus family,
Ever wonder why I named this brand Peachaus? It’s a question I get a lot, and the answer is a story close to my heart—one I hope resonates with you.
Picture this: a young girl, staring at glossy magazine pages, dreaming of a world where beauty wasn’t a rigid mould to fit into. That girl was me, Gillian, and those dreams didn’t quite match the reality I saw. Fashion felt like a script—written for someone else. It told us who to be, how to look, and what to chase. I wanted to rip up that script and write a new one.

Years later, after wrestling with the industry’s rules (and my own doubts), I took a leap. Peachaus was born—not just as a brand, but as a promise. The name itself is a rebellion: "Peach" for tactile, feminine softness; "Peace" for calm amidst chaos; "Haus" for our community home; "Aus" for the free-spirited Australian vibe; "Us" for our collective unity; and "Each" to honour every individual. It’s a vision of beauty, freedom, and belonging—my love letter to a world where we rewrite the rules, together.
Our mission? To craft clothes that feel like home—timeless pieces that let you breathe, move, and be yourself. But it’s bigger than that. We’re here to leave a legacy—for humankind, for the planet. Every stitch is a step toward sustainability, every design a stand for freedom over fast fashion’s churn.

This is just the beginning. In this blog series, I’ll peel back the layers of Peachaus—why we fight for slow fashion, how we’re building a community of changemakers, and what “legacy” really means to us. Because this isn’t just my story—it’s ours.
Here’s to wearing our values, together,GillyFounder, Peachaus